Welcome and congratulations!

You’ve just taken a big step toward making changes to your life, and I’m so excited to be working together! I can’t thank you enough for choosing me as your coach. I’m looking forward to diving into the topics that are most important to you and experimenting to find what works best for you at this moment in time. I’m ready to dive in and I hope you are, too.

Here are the steps you’ll need to take next:

  1. Please review this page and make a note of any questions that come up so we can discuss them when we meet next.

  2. When you’re ready, book and pay for your sessions using the Book Now button or directly through the scheduling tool at the bottom of this page. If you need to book your sessions a little more than a week apart, that’s totally ok. But please make sure you schedule all 10 of your sessions to occur within the next 120 days. I also strongly recommend booking all of your sessions up front to maintain your time slot.

  3. During the booking process, you will be prompted to sign a coaching agreement. This agreement will need to be signed and returned before our first session.

And that’s it! Thanks for being you! I can’t wait to get started.

What Coaching Is…

  • Coaching is an effective component of a multi-modal approach to treating or working with ADHD.

  • Coaching is a practice that cultivates discovery, new perspectives, awareness and choice.

  • Coaching is flexible and tailored to your individual needs. There is no one-size-fits-all way of coaching, and I’m here to help you tap into what works for you and no one else.

  • Coaching is non-judgemental and respectful. My number one priority is creating a safe container for us to work in together. Our conversations are private and confidential.

  • Coaching is a way to help you become aware of what’s happening in your blind spots.

  • Coaching helps you grow by examining your current situation and identifying limiting beliefs and potential obstacles.

  • Coaching involves crafting a unique plan of action to help you achieve your desired outcomes in life.

What Coaching is Not…

  • Coaching is not a replacement for psychotherapy or medication. I can’t give medical advice and I’m not a therapist or medical professional.

  • Coaching is not instructing, mentoring, or tutoring. We are equals here, and you are the authority on you.

  • Coaching is not a permanent commitment. Coaching acts as scaffolding to support you while you build new skills and establish strategies to get to your goals. You’re always welcome to return whenever there’s something new you’d like to work on together, but you are not committed to doing coaching indefinitely.

  • Coaching is not a spectator sport- your participation and ownership are required. While I will hold you accountable, celebrate and challenge you, I can’t do the work for you.

  • Coaching is not a quick and easy fix. To see meaningful changes in your life, you will need to take responsibility for putting new ideas and strategies into action. Remember, we may work on “fixing” actions or systems that aren’t working, but we are not fixing YOU as a person. You are not broken— you are creative, resourceful and whole, just as you are.

Your coaching package includes…

  • 10 x 55-minute individual coaching sessions to be booked weekly.

  • Supplemental resources based on your individual coaching needs.

  • Premium email support, meaning if you have questions or something you want to follow up on between sessions, you can expect a response from me within 12 hours.