Create Your Own Dopamenu to help you stay motivated and engaged- free download
    My recommended reading list for ADHD adults- learn more about your ADHD and yourself- free download


    A handful of fun resources and worksheets I’ve created for ADHDers who are interested in designing a life that works for their unique brain.

    Put simply, a dopamenu is a list of activities that generate dopamine in our brains. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in motivation, focus, and reward, among other things. The ADHD brain tends to have lower dopamine levels, so we can easily get hooked on things that provide a fun burst of dopamine, even if they aren’t in our best interest or what we’d like to spend time on (think: scrolling, playing video games endlessly, etc.) Creating a resource that lists off all our favourite dopamine-generating activities, including ones that align with our goals and values, can help us be more intentional with where we direct our energy when we need a boost of stimulation and motivation.

    Guide to Creating Your Own Dopamenu

    When you’re first diagnosed, especially as an adult, there is a lot to learn about ADHD! There’s so much more to it than impulsivity, distraction, and hyperactivity. I created this list for those who are newly diagnosed, but there is something here for everyone (in my opinion!)

    To start designing a life that works for your brain, you need to start by understanding what you’re dealing with. This list includes some excellent books about ADHD and some that touch on common topics that come up for those who weren’t diagnosed until adulthood like dissatisfaction, swimming against the stream, and managing stress and anxiety.

    My Recommended Reads for ADHD Adults

    Part of managing ADHD effectively is becoming aware of your symptoms and how they show up for you. I’m a big fan of using data about ourselves to discover patterns. When we’re aware of how ADHD is impacting us specifically, it becomes easier to develop targeted strategies to support ourselves.

    If medication is part of your ADHD treatment plan, I recommend keeping an eye on your ADHD symptoms along with side effects you experience. A tracker like this one will arm you with powerful information you can share with your prescribing doctor, psychiatrist, or health care practitioner.

    Printable ADHD Symptom & Medication Tracker